Have a Belated Merry Christmas and an Early Happy New Year!

For Christmas, K got a Fushigi, and M got a Chia Obama. Remember Chia Pets? This is the same, but with a Barack Obama head. (Yes, it's a real thing.)

A Frasier fir - no word on Niles or Lilith.

Christmas Day is past, although we haven't had all of our family gatherings yet. We've had a fun vacation so far. We saw the new Muppet movie yesterday, met Laurie's new cats (Granger and Tonks), and are regularly visiting the front window looking for signs of snow. We've had a little, but not enough for sledding, skiing, snowboarding, or anything-ing. The closest we've come to snow is the ice we got a few nights ago, but ice is no fun.


Science Olympiad 2012
This year I agreed to help play a bigger role for Lawton's Science Olympiad team, and the other Head Coaches and I are working our way through the signups (over 90 students) and trying to sort out who will be starting out on what team. It's challenging but fun.


Air Hockey: Battery Hog
In the tree picture above, you can see a table-top air hockey game. It was a present from J to the rest of us, although she's pretty good at it herself. We were not thrilled to find it takes six AA batteries, so M and I are plotting to add an AC adapter and plug to the internals, and mount a switch where it's accessible from the outside. (The current switch is underneath the top, and you have to turn it over to reach it.) We have the adapter and 2.1mm connector to hook up to the motor, we just need a switch. I'm sure I have one somewhere downstairs we can use...


Happy New Year!


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