Pictures Away From Home


Welcome to Frankfort! The boat on the sign doesn't move, in case you're wondering.

M, K, and I play frisbee on the beach

This is what it looks like when I take a picture of the moon with my phone camera. The grainy picture looks like a painting. The bright dot above the moon is Venus. Also framed in this picture, but not visible because of the poor picture quality, is Jupiter. None of our cameras could capture Jupiter, it was just a bit too dim to show up.

The clouds were unusual during one of the sunsets - here's a panoramic shot.

M's picture of the clouds.

We went mini golfing at our usual place. Because K's birthday was only a few days away, the attendant gave him a shiny silver ball.

K and M relax after their exhausting round of golf.

Down the pier to the lighthouse - picture by M.

The reflection of the sun on the clouds was striking.

K in repose, standing on the pier.

J's picture of our favorite sunset was the best of any of ours, in my opinion


Ann Arbor Art Fairs, and Some Links


Art Fairs

Cactus sculptures (cacti sculpti?) at the Ann Arbor Art Fair.

J and I went to the art fairs in Ann Arbor yesterday and bought a few things. One was by Russ Erickson, which we put in the living room above the couch. Now it makes us want a new couch. Decorating is like setting up dominoes.

Drivin' a Stick

Here's M driving a 2015 Mustang GT with a 6-speed manual. This car has 435 horsepower and an engine whose displacement is two and a half times the displacement of my Ford Fusion's engine.

In other news, M had the chance to drive an amazingly powerful car, a 2015 Mustang GT. It was also the first time he's driven a car with a manual transmission. I don't think he enjoyed the car as much as he could have since he wasn't good enough with the gears to drive it through town, but he had plenty of fun zooming around the Pioneer High parking lot, as you can see by the picture.

I, on the other hand, did drive it through the streets, and had a great old time.

Some Fun Links
If I drank tea, I would always use this tea infuser, even if I had a tea bag.

Conrad and the Steamplant – a very interesting video.

From now on, all new furniture I buy will be hippo-shaped.


Out and About in AA


Farewell to Top of the Park

All of us went to the final night of Top of the Park where George Bedard and the Kingpins played their cool brand of rock and rockabilly.

Rolling Sculpture - Downtown Ann Arbor

The hood ornament on a 1929 Willys Knight

Rolling Sculpture was tonight. I enjoy looking at the styles of cars, but what I think makes a car above average is a great dashboard.

1967 Jaguar 420

1956 Plymouth

1931 Ford Model A

1936 Dodge

1960 Oldsmobile Fiesta Wagon - this picture doesn't do it justice.

This year's runner up for best dashboard was a 1959 Buick Electra. This was a very close second, it's really a work of art.

And this year's winner: 1957 Oldsmobile.

Another view of the 1957 Oldsmobile's dashboard.