Being Thankful for the Present and the Past



As hard as we try, J and I will probably always have trouble convincing the kids how lucky they really are. Cleaning up your room, having to eat THAT for dinner, being forced to go to school in their warm clothing, carrying fancy musical instruments - life can be so unfair!

I'm thankful for everything I have, and as much as I'd like to believe it's all because I work so hard or that I applied myself in school, it has a lot to do with family (both mine and J's) and now the kids are benefitting from that. Where you start has a lot to do with where you end.

'Tis the season to be thankful. I am thankful for how lucky I am.

Back to the Future
Here are some pictures from the distant past that have never made it to The DEB Log. They were taken long before I started this web endeavor (webdeavor?). Enjoy.

K was upset about something. So we took his picture to cheer him up. (2004)

K in a happier moment showing off the snowman he and his dad made. (March 2005)

I hurt my back doing this. I'm not sure why, it might have been that I was wearing the wrong shoes. More research needed. (June 2005)

One of my all-time favorite pictures of the boys and me - this was at Lake Michigan in August, 2005.

M is stepping out - handsome devil! (2003)

Another of my favorites of the boys - overlooking Lake Michigan from the cottage we stayed in. (2005)


Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Sculptures, Tennis, and Pumpkins

K (in the white shirt) hits backhand during a two-on-one game at practice.

K has been taking tennis lessons at the U of M indoor tennis center. It's a beautiful facility that looks like it was built about a week ago. His class has roughly10 students, with boys and girls together. These are more serious lessons than ones that he's taken in the past, and he's improving by leaps and bounds. He will probably get to play in a few matches before the lesson season is over - even though his level of group isn't normally scheduled to play matches, they often need students from his level to fill in at the higher levels if someone can't make a game. We're going to see a game tomorrow to take it all in and help prepare if he gets called up to take another player's place.

My Favorite Sculptor
Dad's sculpture at Ella Sharp Museum

Last weekend, our whole family was excited to get a personalized tour of sculptures surrounding the Ella Sharp Museum by experienced sculptor Fred Bruey. Pictured is his latest work "Green Galaxy". The display at Ella Sharp is part of a sculpture series called the Midwest Sculpture Initiative.

We're so proud of dad (and grandpa) for being selected, and we're impressed with his artistry. We can't wait to see his next sculpture on display!

"Green Galaxy" by Alfred Bruey

J's "Wicked" pumpkin and K's "hothead" pumpkin.

The kids are getting better and better at carving pumpkins from patterns (as am I), and you can see the results here. As is typical, J's wins the prize for most complicated (and probably coolest-looking) with her "Wicked" jack-o-lantern.

M's skull pumpkin is a contrast to the goofy one I carved