Runathon Wrap-Up

The boys competed in the runathon over the weekend, and worked up a sweat. M also had a soccer game in the middle of the runathon - he walked for three miles, went to his soccer game and ran around for an hour, then went back to the Runathon and did another five miles.

Kn worked plenty hard getting his five miles in at the Runathon, and came back with mom to watch M finish up and help dad, who was counting laps for the runathon-ers.

All in all it was a busy weekend. M also had a soccer game on Saturday. It's not typical to have two in one weekend, so this was an unusually busy time for us.

I know the boys aren't supposed to drink beer, but they worked so hard and asked so nicely, we decided to give in. (Yes, it's root beer...)

Hope everyone's having a good week. It's raining, but soccer practice (!) hasn't been called off yet, so we're moving in that direction soon.

Handling Errors In Computer Communication Using Math: Featuring Astronauts and Tang


Let’s say you’re going to the moon and you only have the ability to send email messages back and forth to the earth (no talking). Someone on earth has a computer with an email program running, and the astronauts have their own computer with email running.

They have decided to use three-letter acronyms as messages. For example, RTD means “ready to dock” and “ELF” means “Error light flashing”.

So they start writing out all the acronyms they want to use. Unfortunately, they discover a problem with the quality of the transmissions. Because of the unreliability of the signal, there is better than a 50% chance that one of the letters in the transmission will accidentally be received as a different letter. For example, when transmitting “RTD” (ready to dock) there is better than a 1-in-2 chance that one of those letters will be received incorrectly (maybe “RTN” meaning “Ready for Tang”)

They have to be careful what they choose. Let’s say they allow RTD and RTN to be in their vocabulary of acronyms. Houston receives a transmission from the astronauts that says “RTD”, and they interpret that to mean “ready to dock”. What they don’t realize is that the astronauts really sent the message “RTN”, and there was an error during transmission – the “N” was changed to a “D”. Houston can’t have 100% certainty that the astronauts are ready to dock, so they are unable to act on the message. The “D” that was received MIGHT HAVE started as an “N”, but was changed to a “D” due to an error.

There are some ways to help Houston and the astronauts communicate under these conditions.

Houston, We Have Fewer Problems
One way would be to make sure no two acronyms differ by only a single letter. RTD and RTN would not be accepted, because of the potential of the third letter being transmitted incorrectly and being identified as the wrong acronym. RTD and RNG would be better, because a single error for either acronym would still give 100% certainty of the original message.

Another way would be for the sender to send every message twice. The odds are small that the same error will occur to the same message sent twice. If Houston receives the message RTD, followed a minute later by another message RTD, they can be confident that the message sent by the astronauts was, in fact, RTD. There is still a possibility, though, that the same error occurred twice during transmission, so Houston could never be completely sure.

Sending Self-Verifying Messages
Another way would be for the sender to send an additional set of information about the message. Consider that R is the 18th letter of the alphabet, T is the 20th, and D is the 4th. If you add those positions together, you get 42. Adding the letters RTN together the same way, you get 18+20+14 = 52. Using this formula, we could have the astronauts first send the acronym (RTD) followed by the sum of their alphabet positions (42). When Houston receives this transmission, they can compare the letters they get with the number that follows, and make sure they match up. If they don’t, Houston will know they did not receive the correct transmission. For example, if Houston receives RTD44, they will know one of the letters is incorrect. (It is possible to have the correct numeric value and the wrong letters, but since only one mistake can happen per transmission, this won’t be an issue.)

Binary Messages
Going back to recent lessons (here and here) in binary math, let’s create a vocabulary of binary messages and see if we can find a way to know if the message was garbled as it made its way to earth.

Starting with a vocabulary of three messages: 010100 means “Ready to Dock”, 011101 means “Ready for Tang” and 010101 means “Moon Buggy Battery Dead”. These messages are different, but they’re similar to each other - there is a possibility a 1 or 0 that is transmitted incorrectly will be interpreted as the wrong message. “Ready to Dock” (010100) is very close to “Moon Buggy Battery Dead” (010101).

What can we do to make sure Houston knows whether an error occurred during transmission or a binary message?

Parity Bit Concert Friday! Cover Charge $1010
A tried-and-true method in computer communications is called a “parity bit.” The parity bit is an additional bit (1 or 0) that is appended to the message. (“Parity Bit” is also a great name for a rock band.)

Here’s how we’ll use a parity bit: with each of the binary values we send to earth, we’ll add a ‘1’ to the end if there is an odd number of ‘1’s in the original message. If there is an even number of 1s in the original message, we’ll add a zero. In other words, we always send a complete message with an even number of 1s in it, and we either add a 1 or a 0 to the end of the original message to satisfy that rule.

For example, sending the Ready to Dock message: we’ll send 010100 and add a 0 to the end (because there is already an even number of 1s in the message.)


Houston will receive this value and will count the 1s. If there is an even number of ones, they have a good feeling about it and accept it as valid.

Let’s say an error occurs during transmission, and Houston receives 0101010. Checking the number of 1s, they will find an odd number, and know that an error occurred.

If the astronauts sent the message “Moon Buggy Battery Dead” 010101 they will need to add the parity bit 1 to the end because there is an odd number of 1s in the original message. So they will the message 0101011. Houston will, as before, count the 1s in the message they receive and decide if it’s valid.

Another way to use binary values to send messages is to do what we did with letters above, and set up the “words” we send so that they are not close enough to one another that one error in transmission can cause confusion.

Making Good Choices Up Front
Better values for the three binary messages would be 110000, 001100, and 000011. There would have to be more than one error during transmission for each of these to be received incorrectly by Ground Control. 110001 could still be interpreted as 110000, assuming that at most one error can occur. 010000 would also be interpreted as 110000 because in order for either of the other two values to be incorrectly received that way there would have to have been at least 3 errors in transmission.

These types of alphabets/languages are referred to as “error-correcting codes.” They are set up in such a way that they can be received and translated with a set amount of certainty. Part of this branch of mathematics has to do with the minimum length of a message in order to allow for a given amount of errors. For example, the set of binary messages 110000, 001100, and 000011 will allow 1 or 2 errors to occur before it is impossible to tell what the original message was. (110000 is the original message, and 100001 was received. Two errors occurred during transmission, and Houston will not be able to tell whether the original message was 110000 or 000011, since the message received is an equal “distance” from those two possible messages.)

One of my favorite classes in college was a math class that dealt exclusively with the ways to create these kinds of alphabets, and ways to determine the likelihood of errors. Our textbook was Introduction to the Theory of Error-Correcting Codes by Vera Pless.


Fifteen of My Favorite Books

Some I’ve read in the past year, and one I haven’t finished yet, but all of these books are highly recommended.

The Invention of Air – Steven Johnson. This is a biography of Joseph Priestly, a scientist from the 1700s. I don’t want to give away the ending, but Joseph Priestly discovers carbon dioxide in England by doing lots of cool experiments and meticulously documenting them. Believe it or not, M and I were discussing the discovery of carbon dioxide on our ride home from soccer practice this week. Really.

The Woodwright’s Guide - Roy Underhill. A great book about working with hand tools, with overviews and history. Roy Underhill really believes in what he teaches and he has many converts, including me.

Rocket Men – Craig Nelson. I haven’t finished this yet, but it’s already on my favorites list. A behind-the-scenes look at the space program, from Kennedy’s initial reluctance to pay for it, to the effect it had on the lives of the astronauts’ families, to the amazing fear the US had towards Russia during that period of history.

The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins. Dawkins is probably more well-known for his unapologetic atheism than his biology bonafides (which are impressive), but he is a great writer who has spent his whole career putting forth the evidence and factual foundation for evolution in the animal kingdom. Don’t read this book if you think the earth is only 6,000 years old - it will only upset you.

The Beak of the Finch – Jonathon Weiner. A married couple conducts a long-term study on the Galapagos Islands, measuring the beaks of the various types of finches living there. They draw a number of conclusions about evolution and give examples of how the weather and flora in the area force the birds to adapt year to year. There are some surprising conclusions.

The Unbearable Lightness of Being – Milan Kundera . This is also one of my favorite movies, and not just because Lena Olin occasionally parades around in her birthday suit. A book set primarily in Czechoslovakia about a man whose “lightness” towards life is baffling to his spouse, who takes things more seriously than he. His intimate escapades with other women, and her relative failure to be unfaithful to him, are one example of the differences between them, but there are more.

The Princess Bride – William Goldman . The Rob Reiner movie, also on my Top 5 Movies list, was quite faithful to the book. The dialogue is outstanding.

The Edith Wharton Murders – Lev Raphael. Lev Raphael was one of my professors at MSU. He taught us that there doesn’t have to be a topic paragraph. I stumbled across this book in the mystery section at the library, and I really liked it. I have read several other books he wrote, but none has impressed me as much as this one.

The Secret History – Donna Tartt . A book about some college students who form a small society (a secret one!), and the dark events that ensue. When I first read this book, I immediately moved it to Number One on my list of favorites. This is on the short list of my all-time favorite books – I’m not sure if it’s Number One, but it’s close.

The Invention of Hugo Cabret – Brian Selznick. A clever and well-done book, a cross between a novel and a comic book, and not quite a graphic novel. This is a book about a boy who lives in a train station, and how he discovers his past, as well as some amazing inventions.

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information - Edward Tufte. Edward Tufte does a great job of showing effective (and ineffective) ways of graphing, charting, displaying, and otherwise presenting data, especially numeric data. He introduces what he calls “The Lie Factor”, the extent to which a poorly-drawn chart or graph misleads the reader. He has some other books that are equally interesting on the same subject.

The Soul of a Tree – George Nakashima. I mentioned this book in an earlier post – it’s a great story of the life of the author. I was struck by the description of the house he lived in for a time – only three walls, with one side open to the elements. Surely not the worst living conditions anyone has endured, but surely not comfortable, either.

The Catcher in the Rye – J.D. Salinger. I read this in high school (of course!) and really enjoyed it. I read it several times in college but haven’t picked it up in a long time. I considered re-reading it a few years ago, but I was afraid of not liking it. I’ll leave it alone and continue to remember it like I do today.

A Prayer for Owen Meany – John Irving. I haven’t liked much of John Irving’s stuff – I’ve started several of his books and put them down after the first fifty pages. I liked this one, though; I believed in the characters, and the story had enough hooks to keep me going. The “A Christmas Carol“ scene where Owen finds out an important piece of information about himself hooked me and I had to know how it ended from then on.

Empire Falls – Richard Russo. A really well-written book, the kind that makes an aspiring novelist throw out his pencil and give up his dream of writing the Great American Novel – because Russo’s already written it.

Thursday Night And The Livin' Is Easy

Herman: Love in the Time of Recession


I recommend NOT being at Universal Studios' Harry Potter Park on opening day.


The word of the day is “Bacon”. If you're a vegetarian, please do not click on the following links.

Canned Bacon!
Baconnaise! This could be good on a turkey sandwich.
Bacon Salt! This might be good on a turkey sandwich.
Bacon Floss! To use after eating your turkey sandwich. What, no bacon-flavored toothpaste?
Bacon-Flavored Lip Balm! To moisten your lips after all that bacon salt. Pucker up, baby!
Bacon Soap! Try not to eat it. (Check out the other bacon-related products for sale on this page as well. )


J and M are going to the UM/EMU football game on Saturday. It will be M's first game, but not the first time he's been at The Big House - we've seen several spring practices/scrimmages.

Have a good weekend! Near future posts will include my list of favorite books (I narrowed it down to about 25) and some more math-related nonsense. Just sit there and hit refresh on your browser until the new postings appear...

Mega-Giga Plus Exponents: Part Two of the “Math is Fum” Series

See Part I of the “Math is Fum” series here.

Mega and Giga
As a continuation from last week’s posting, let’s talk about computer memory. Many people translate the prefix “mega” as meaning “million”. As far as the metric system goes, mega means million, and when someone says “megabyte” most people translate that to mean “one million bytes”. But when speaking of computer memory or hard drive space, mega does not equal exactly 1 million. Actually, it equals 1,048,576. Where does this strange value come from?

You’ll remember from the last “Math is Fum” lesson that computers use binary (base-2) to store numbers and do calculations. So it makes sense that when a computer refers to memory or hard drive space, it would use binary math to do so. Which is where the number 1,048,576 comes from – it can also be written as 2^20, or 2 to the 20th power. (It can also be said “2 multiplied by itself 20 times”.)

Thus, when your computer says you have 75MB (Megabytes) available on your hard drive, it means you have about 78,643,200 bytes free. (Computers do sometimes round these numbers up or down to display a nice even number, so 75MB may be a little less than that or a little more than that.)

If you’ve already guessed that a gigabyte is not exactly 1,000,000,000 bytes, you’re brilliant - it is in fact 2^30, or 2 raised to the 30th power. 1GB to a computer is 1,073,741,824 bytes.

For most of us, thinking of mega and giga as one million and one billion, respectively, will get us through the day as we use computers. Since memory and hard drive space is so cheap these days, it’s no longer necessary for programmers to try to squeeze out every last byte when writing software. That's either a good thing or a bad thing, depending on whose opinion is sought.

See this page for a more detailed discussion of MB, GB, and how hard drives are labeled – some do refer to 1MB as equal to exactly one million bytes for marketing purposes, which sometimes confuses computer users who see less hard drive space than they expected.

Math for Those Who Enjoy Artificial Light
Let’s move on to a new topic – powers of two.

Picture a light switch. It has two positions – on and off. It can’t be both on and off at the same time. How many combinations of on and off positions can one light switch have? Just two – on and off. (If only all of math were this easy!)

Now picture two light switches next to each other. How many combinations of on and off positions can the two switches have together? Listing out the combinations, we get:

Switch 1 off, Switch 2 off
Switch 1 on, Switch 2 off
Switch 1 off, Switch 2 on
Switch 1 on, Switch 2 on

There are four combinations.

Another way we could write this is to use a 1 to indicate “on” and a 0 to indicate “off.” The on/off combinations of the switches above could be written like this instead:

00 (both switches off)
11 (both switches on)

Let’s add another light switch to make three in a row. How many combinations of on and off positions are there now? Most people would probably say “Six!” But in fact, there are eight.

Here are the possible combinations of switches

000 (all switches are off)
111 (all switches are on)

It’s easy to write out the possible combinations for a small number of light switches, but what if you have six switches? How many combinations of on and off are available? You could start writing out a long list of all the possible values:


But that would be exhausting. Fortunately, there’s an easier way to figure it out.

The number of combinations of on/off positions for a given number of light switches is 2 multiplied by itself that many times, or two to the power of the number of light switches.

Let’s check out this rule see if it works.

With 2 light switches, the total number of combinations is 4, which is 2 to the second power (or 2 x 2). This matches the number we found earlier.

With 3 light switches, the total number of combinations is 2 to the third power, or 8 (or 2 x 2 x 2). This also matches the number we found earlier.

To answer the question about 6 light switches, the total number of combinations is 2 to the sixth power, or 64. (or 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2)

Sandwich-Themed Math
It’s lunchtime, and you’re hungry. You want to make a sandwich. A raid of the refrigerator yields a loaf of bread and five tasty ingredients: mayonnaise, swiss cheese, lettuce, relish, and honey mustard. You could just pile all that on the bread and eat it, but then we wouldn’t have any math to do. So keep reading. (If you're really hungry, stop reading and eat a banana.)

How many combinations of ingredients can you make into a sandwich? You’ll always use two slices of bread, so that doesn’t factor into the calculations.

Here are a few examples of sandwich ingredient combinations:
Mayo, cheese, lettuce
Cheese, relish
Lettuce, honey mustard.

We could spend all day writing those words, or we could create some shorthand for the ingredients:

Let’s use 1s and 0s to denote whether or not the ingredient is used on a sandwich. We’ll use the order they’re listed above (mayo, swiss cheese, lettuce, relish, and honey mustard) to determine where to put the 1 or 0.

For example,
10101 means the sandwich has mayo, no cheese, lettuce, no relish, and honey mustard.
11001 means the sandwich has mayo, cheese, no lettuce, no relish, and honey mustard.

This looks a little bit like the light switch problem above. Now think of it this way: an ingredient can either be ON or OFF the bread; mayo is either on or off, lettuce is either on or off. Now we know how to solve this problem, because it’s the same problem as light switches that can be on or off. There are 5 possible ingredients, so there are (you guessed it!) 2^5 possible combinations of sandwiches, including a sandwich that has no ingredients other than bread. (2^5 = 2x2x2x2x2 = 32.) That may seem like too many combinations of ingredients, but it’s correct.

A Little More Difficult
Going back to switches and electrical wiring (and I’m assuming you’ve turned off the circuit breaker), let’s say you have a different kind of switch – a ceiling fan switch. The switch rotates and has three positions: off, low speed, and high speed. If you have one switch, you obviously have three possible positions. If you have two switches, how many combinations do you have? Hint: it’s not 6.

You could write them out if you want:

Off Off
Off Low
Off High
Low Off

There is an easier way, though. Just as we raised 2 to the power of the number of light switches above, we can raise 3 to the power of the number of ceiling fan switches. 3^2 = 3 raised to the second power = 3x3 = 9 possible positions.

You can say this a different way: The number of combinations possible for a switch with N positions is N raised to the power of the number of switches. In this example, N = 3, and the number of switches = 2, the number of possible combinations is 3^2, which is 9.

What about seven ceiling fan switches? How many possible combinations of positions are there? 3 raised to the 7th power, or 2,187. That seems like a really high number at first, but if you start to write out all the combinations one by one, you’ll start to believe it.


Here at the Math Is Fum Institute, we hope you enjoyed this installment. In the next installment, I will attempt to prove Newton’s Second Law of Thermodynamics using only a pocket calculator, two ceiling fan switches, and a 3-oz. jar of honey mustard.

Weekend Update

A few bits of news:

We went to the Ann Arbor Pioneer/Saline Hornets football game last night. We had never been to a game before, so we were not sure what to expect. We were happy to discover that several fourth-graders that M knows were at the game, so he and K sat with them, while we sat 4 rows up behind them. They watched the game and talked and cheered for the Pioneers, and they had a great time. We saw several kids we knew and their parents.

We all got in free because J is an employee of the Ann Arbor schools. That's a nice perk - it would have cost us $20 otherwise. We found that we didn't even have to wait in line for tickets - we could just walk in the front gate. We resisted the urge to taunt the poor saps who had to stand in line. (not really)

Pioneer won the game handily, 36-14, which came as a surprise to me, because Saline has had a very good football team for years, and their quarterback is very highly regarded. Pioneer's defense didn't give this quarterback a chance to prove himself as they regularly moved the offensive linemen out of the way and smushed him.

I wore my Jackson High "J" hat but I don't think anyone recognized it as such. It was my little secret. Jackson High has played Pioneer in basketball a few times in recent years.


Today were M and K's first soccer games. Fortunately, most of their games are on this side of Ann Arbor, so we don't have to drive a gazillion miles to each game like we did last spring.

They don't keep official scores of the games because they feel it detracts from the sportsmanship of the games (I don't necessarily agree but it's not a big deal either way.) The kids always know the scores, though - they do keep track, and it does matter to them. Maybe the organizers need to listen to the kids about whether to keep score.

The team M played was quite pushy, and even though soccer is played with your feet, they did a lot of pushing and elbowing. We were grumbling about it a little, and wondering why the referee wasn't calling any penalties. M was going for the ball and a boy from the other team who I will kindly refer to as "chunky" stuck his arm out and pushed M to the ground. The referee did call a penalty on that, and M wasn't hurt.

K's first game was very similar to his games from the spring - the team is almost exactly the same as in the spring, with a few new additions. I recognized some of the kids on the other team from last year, so I guess that shows how many games I've been to. I usually offer to help with the out-of-bounds flag; the referee usually asks parents to indicate when the ball goes out of bounds on the sidelines, and which team is to get the ball.


Michigan State lost to Central Michigan in football today - that's unfortunate! I have higher expectations of MSU than that.

U of M beat Notre Dame today, which is a big deal because they (U of M) were lousy last year and they have a freshman quarterback who is very talented. I guess this means bad news for the UM/MSU game this year. Maybe I'll pick that weekend to go to the zoo or something.


The kids are settling in at school. They are having fun and both have had some homework. They like their teachers, and so far, so do we.


Have a good weekend!


James Krenov (1920-2009)

"Simplicity is at the heart of so much that is fine..." - James Krenov

A giant of the woodworking community passed away this week. Krenov was known for his simple but beautiful furniture. He was also a master teacher, and had a great love for hand tools.

This is his website.

His most famous book is The Cabinetmaker's Notebook.


George Nakashima (1905-1990) was another well-known woodworker who wrote a terrific book about woodworking. The book also describes his life, which is interesting enough to warrant its own book.

His web page.

His most well-known book is The Soul of a Tree.

Fun Links

How much is the Detroit Lions team worth? Before you go to this site to see the answer, take a guess.




Beautiful old guitar.


It appears that Elderly Instruments no longer carries Gibson guitars. I wonder what happened?

Math Is Fum (Yes, Fum!)

On an episode of the show "SpongeBob SquarePants", SpongeBob's friend Patrick was a marketing consultant for The Chum Bucket, a restaurant owned by Plankton. Patrick is, let's say, simple-minded; he came up with the slogan "Chum is Fum", misspelling "fun". But the fish in Bikini Bottom loved the slogan and the catchy play on words, and Plankton enjoyed the temporary success of Patrick's accidental marketing know-how.

In an attempt to get the kids to read about math, I have decided to call this series of blog postings “Math is Fum”. We’ll see if that works.

Decimal First
We normally do math in Base-10, or decimal, meaning we generally organize our numbers using powers of ten when we write numbers and do math.

A standard way to break up a large number is to separate the values based on their position from right to left – the ones place, the tens place, the hundreds place, and so on. For example, 123 = 100 + 20 + 3.

Another way to say it, using powers of ten, is

123 = (1 x 10^2) + (2 x 10^1) + (3 x 10^0)

Two notes:
1) The ‘^’ symbol means to raise 10 to that power. For example, 10^2 means 10 squared, or 10 to the second power.
2) 10^0 = 1. Ten raised to the zeroth power equals 1. In fact, any number raised to the zeroth power = 1, by definition.

Another example:

18,903 = (1 x 10^4) + (8 x 10^3) + (9 x 10^2) + (0 x 10^2) + (3 x 10^0)

Math gurus will point out the parentheses in this example are unnecessary due to operator precedence rules, but they’re just showing off. It’s easier for people to read it with the parentheses.

At their core, computers don’t know anything about decimal math. Mathematical calculations on a computer are done in binary math, and converted to decimal numerals for display or storage.

So let’s look at how binary numbers work.

Binary Is Your Friend
In decimal math, there are 10 digits that are used: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

In base-2, or binary, math, there are two digits: 0 and 1.

Here is the binary representation of the number eleven:


How can only two digits (0 and 1) represent a number like eleven? We can write the binary number 1011 like this:

1011 = (1 x 2^3) + (0 x 2^2) + (1 x 2^1) + (1 x 2^0)

While we have the ones place, the tens place, and the hundreds place in decimal math, binary has the ones place, the twos place, the fours place, and so on instead. It takes a lot more space in binary to write a large number than it does to write a large number in decimal.

Exercises (Yes, you need to do these.)
Exercise A: Convert the following binary number to decimal: 1001101
Exercise B: Write the following decimal number in binary: 24

Octal, or Base-8
Let’s move on to something different. You should be able to follow this if you understand the above discussion of binary numbers.

In computers we sometimes work with numbers expressed in octal, or base-8. In octal we use (you guessed it) 8 digits: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Exercise C: What is the decimal value of the octal number 447?

Hint: Write it out using powers of 8 as in the examples above for binary and decimal.

Hexadecimal Numbers

Programmers also occasionally work with numbers that are expressed in base-16 (also known as hexadecimal). There is a problem with this, though; there are only ten digits available to use, but we need 16 “digits” to express a hexadecimal number.

To get around this, we use letters to denote the remaining 6 digits. Counting to 15 in hexadecimal looks like this: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F. So F means “15” as far as we’re concerned. A is the tenth hexadecimal “digit”.

Here is an example of a hexadecimal number:

A2FA = 10 x 16^3 + 2 x 16^2 + 15 x 16^1 + 10 x 16^0

In base-10, that’s 41,722. (is that what you got?)

Software developers typically denote a hexadecimal value with the text “0x” (zero x), as in “0xAAA” so that people who read their writing will not confuse the letters “AAA” (insurance company) with the numeric hexadecimal value of AAA (2,730).

Computers Don’t Do Decimal
One problem with computers using binary numbers is that it can be difficult to exactly convert a decimal number to a binary number, then back again. Anyone who has used Google to translate an English phrase to Japanese and back to English will understand.

For example, let’s say you’re in an Excel spreadsheet and you type in this number:


We humans recognize that number in its decimal format. But the computer stores this number in a binary format. To do that, it converts the value into binary. (I won’t go into the details of that, but computers have ways of breaking numbers like this into parts and storing them.)

A problem occurs when this number needs to be converted back to decimal. Because the value stored in the binary format cannot always be exactly translated back into decimal, the computer may end up telling Excel that the value that was stored was

12.33998843 (note the last digit is not the same as above.)

This is a common problem when working with numbers with lots of numbers after the decimal point. Programs like Excel know how to deal with these things, and payroll programs know how to round up or down to pennies to get the correct value each time (at least they should.) Even with modern programming languages, it is still possible to get into trouble with high-precision numbers if you’re not careful. That’s why I only work with nice, whole numbers. It’s in my contract.

Hope you enjoyed this edition of Math Is Fum! Let me know in the comments if you need the answers to the questions. You all should be able to figure them out, though.

A Mini Family Reunion and A Note On Copyright

I don’t want to brag or anything, but J’s grandma, who is 95 years young, is the reigning Wii Bowling Champion at Pittsburgh’s Friendship Village community. She regular puts the hurt on those upstart 87 year olds.

We saw her last week at J's parents' house, along with her uncles, Bill and Sean. Bill and Sean flew to Pittsburgh from Miami, picked up a rental car, and the three of them drove to East Lansing for the weekend. When J's grandmother needs to walk somewhere, she pops up from her chair and gets there as fast as anyone else. (Except M and K, who run everywhere.) It was great to see everyone.


A while back I posted a thought about how digital clocks are boring because they don’t DO anything. Analog clocks, ticking away, DO something. They move and make noise and provide feedback to their owner. You can wind them and feel the spring pushing back,. You can imagine the coil inside the clock twisting and compressing.

I was looking at some old New Yorker comics a while back, and I found a comic that reminded me of the digital vs. analog clock comparison. The comic was from the 1978 when LCD digital clocks were starting to get popular. It has a picture of a digital clock sitting on a shelf. Above it is a thought bubble that says “Tick Tock Tick Tock”. A digital clock dreaming of being analog – I love it.

So, I looked online to see who owns the rights to these comics, because I wanted to post that comic on this blog. I was hoping they would say it was $5 or something, which I would have been willing to pay, just for fun. Conde Nast, the owners of the rights to the comics in the New Yorker, replied that it would cost $125 for me to reproduce that comic on my blog.

Oh well. It was worth a try.


School starts next week. There is a law in Michigan that says school can't start until after Labor Day. This year, Labor Day falls on the latest possible day in September. It also means the kids get out of school late in June.

We'll find out who the kids' teachers are some time this week.


Have a great week!