Lillie Park South - December 4, 2021

Some leaves just keep hanging on...
I like the bark on this tree, I don't know what kind it is.
I really hope that birds aren't responsible for the damage to this birdhouse. If they are, then I need to start walking in a park where the birds are more mellow.
A nice fall water scene in the early morning light.
A smaller pond with some waterfowl and some nice trees. 
You can still find some color out there!
I am post number 8! I am post number 8! I am post number 8! Who the heck are you?
This picture didn't turn out the way I wanted it to, but it's pretty good in its own right, so here it stays.
There were many of these little branch/vine wreaths all along the paths at the park. This was near one of the path entrances. I have another shot where you can see my shadow, which I would submit as evidence if my shadow needed an alibi for Saturday, December 4.