Happy New Year!

Two sides and two ends of a box for a magic wand.


Happy New Year
It's now 2012, and some people believe the world will end this year. Evidence is thin, but someone on TV said it, and there are some websites that support it. What more do you need? If someone on TV says it, it must be true. TV also tells me that Taco Bell is open very late at night in case I need a taco. Isn't TV great?

I don't normally make New Year resolutions, but I've decided on a few this time around.
* I resolve to strike while the iron is hot. Striking while it's cold just makes dents and hurts my hands.
* I resolve to remove the songs from my iPod that I haven't listened to in more than a year.
* I resolve to clean the basement workshop area a few weeks ago and keep it clean through today. (Done!)
* I resolve to continue avoiding using the word "so" as the first word in a sentence when that sentence is not a direct continuation of a previous thought.
* I resolve to answer the door when UPS, the neighbor kids, or opportunity knock.
* I resolve to nag my kids more. They're going to want someone to blame for their problems when they get older, and I am determined to be there for them when the time comes.
* I resolve to choose the winning PowerBall numbers for the March 23, 2012 drawing.
* I resolve to actually buy a PowerBall ticket, which, despite the overwhelming odds of losing, one is required to purchase if one expects to win.
* I resolve to finish the semi-secret electronics project I started in 2011. Let's just say it is off the ground floor.

A Few Links

Open letter to watch manufacturers: The greatest watch ever has been designed and built. It's over. Your industry has peaked and will soon be in decline. Sell your tiny tweezers on eBay, hang up your magnifying eyepieces, and take early retirement. Behold this masterpiece of timekeeping.

Look at these rayguns. Just look at them.

! I might have posted this before, but it's been a while, so go back and take another look.

Plans for a Stirling engine. A fun little weekend project.

Low Tech Magazine, ironically hosted on a web page. But you have to do what you have to do.

Smithy is an Ann Arbor company that makes machine shop tools. If I could POSSIBLY think of something to make with this combination lathe/mill, I would take out a loan and buy one. This place is not far from my house, so I could avoid the $329 shipping charge. With savings like that, how can I afford NOT to buy one? And it's so pretty, you could just pull up a chair and stare at it for hours.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you buy the lathe/mill, you can store it at my building and I'll let you use it sometime.


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