Pre-Christmas Status Report


Brief Update
Not a whole lot of news here, but sometimes no news is good news.

M is playing saxophone at school when he's not waiting out sore gums from having his braces adjusted. He's still doing a great job in his classes. We can see all his grades online at a website called PowerSchool. We can see as much detail as the teacher wants to add - every homework assignment, quiz, class project, etc. has a score.

K isn't going to be playing an instrument at school until next year, but he's making progress on piano and his own schoolwork. M modified a blinking LED "warning" light that he used at last year's Science Fair for a project K is working on. K wanted something that would draw attention to his project over the other projects in the room. One of his project teammates is bringing in something else to draw attention: mints.

The Christmas tree is up, and we're on course to have our shopping done before it's necessary to panic. J does most of it for the family, but I've gone out on a few present-buying runs for J and the kids.

Oh, and I finished "The Hunger Games" which I have to admit was quite difficult to put down. I know that's cliche, but it was, in fact, hard to put down. I could have done without the part where the the dinosaurs visited District 12 in the spaceship, but other than that, it was a great book. I'm going to start on the second in the series, "Catching Fire", sometime soon.

Metalworking Links
A man built a small-scale compressed air-driven v-12 engine. Check it out.

Plans for this small, two-stroke engine can be downloaded by registering with the website.


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