I Told You

I told you this would be the year of the new car! Here's our new 2009 Ford Fusion SE - black exterior, black interior. As Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap would say "How much more black could it be? And the answer is none. None more black."

It doesn't have any bells and whistles to speak of, just the basics. One thing that encouraged us to buy it (besides getting the price that Ford employees get, plus a lot of money in rebates) was the many reviewers and industry insiders who think this car is really well-built and reliable. After the problems we had with our old Saturn (which was traded in for this one) we were looking for reliabilty.

The kids just got back to town after staying with Aunt Laurie (thanks!) and we jumped in the new car to go to the ice rink. Both kids found friends there to talk to.

Stay warm, everyone!


DietrichDaniels said...

I would leave a comment, but I have to go sit down in the lobby and wait for the limo.

C.Nate said...

I just realized you have the same initials as my mother... I have not idea where to with that.

Nice car. As a non-industry insider, I think its a great choice too. Did you at least get the SIRIUS radio?

Don Bruey said...

Got the satellite radio free for 6 months. It's pretty nice.

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