Libraries of Great Software Developers, Part I

The books on my shelf at work:

Essential XML Quick Reference – Skonnard & Gudgin
XSLT – Kay
XML Bible - Harold
UML Distilled - Fowler
Visual C++.Net Bible – Archer & Whitechapel
Effective C++ - Meyers
Extending MFC Applications with the .NET Framework
Pro .Net 2.0 Graphics Programming – White
Effective C# - Wagner
C# Database Programming – Price
Programming C# - Liberty
Windows Forms 2.0 Programming – Sells & Weinhardt
Pro C# 2005 and the .Net 2.0 Platform – Troelsen
Java in a Nutshell – Flanagan
Java Programminng – Farrell
Pure JFC Swing - Pantham
Telephone Book – AT&T Yellow Pages, December 2006 Edition

I understand most of them, although that last one gives me trouble sometimes.


C.Nate said...

Do you ever attend seminars or conferences?

Don Bruey said...

Not very often, unfortunately.

Do I know you by another name? I'm wondering if anyone has found this blog besides the 10 family members I told about it.

C.Nate said...

Oops, sorry. It's me Craig Beck.

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