Hallowe'en Hello


A ghostly "hello" to all The DEB Log readers. It's a gusty, cold, snowy night in Ann Arbor, just perfect for all those ballerinas and princesses to wear their winter coats. The pumpkins, which usually like a cool, fall evening, are already asking to be brought back inside.

Dad's Next Project - Table!
My first reaction when I saw some of these tables was how much I like them. My next thought was that dad's next project should be a table. Weld some legs, find or buy a table top (the more rustic or interesting the better) and - poof! - instant table. Tables are nice to look at and useful at the same time, always a winning combination.

Without further ado...

How could you NOT want this table - it has a crank! When it's time to clear the dishes, you just turn the crank and pretty soon the table's clear.

A table with nice clean lines.

I love the gears in the base of this one. (check out all of Bruce Gray's sculptures here).

I really like this one and these.

A Few Non-Table Related Things
I would always know what time it was if I had this watch and was willing to wear it out of the house (it might get scratched or stolen or breathed upon).

All you need is a Sharpie or two. How hard could it be?

Get started with wood carving. Or finish that project you started three years ago that's sitting in a box under your workbench.

Who doesn't need an ejector seat every now and then? This one is available.


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