Hallowe'en Hello


A ghostly "hello" to all The DEB Log readers. It's a gusty, cold, snowy night in Ann Arbor, just perfect for all those ballerinas and princesses to wear their winter coats. The pumpkins, which usually like a cool, fall evening, are already asking to be brought back inside.

Dad's Next Project - Table!
My first reaction when I saw some of these tables was how much I like them. My next thought was that dad's next project should be a table. Weld some legs, find or buy a table top (the more rustic or interesting the better) and - poof! - instant table. Tables are nice to look at and useful at the same time, always a winning combination.

Without further ado...

How could you NOT want this table - it has a crank! When it's time to clear the dishes, you just turn the crank and pretty soon the table's clear.

A table with nice clean lines.

I love the gears in the base of this one. (check out all of Bruce Gray's sculptures here).

I really like this one and these.

A Few Non-Table Related Things
I would always know what time it was if I had this watch and was willing to wear it out of the house (it might get scratched or stolen or breathed upon).

All you need is a Sharpie or two. How hard could it be?

Get started with wood carving. Or finish that project you started three years ago that's sitting in a box under your workbench.

Who doesn't need an ejector seat every now and then? This one is available.


I Toad You


I toad this guy to stop hanging out on the sidewalk. He toad me to get lost.

Lots of Links
If I lived on a lake, I'd cash in the kids' college funds and buy one of these.

I bought this notebook and I really like it. I have the one with the graph paper pages.

Fun on the beach with STRANDBEEST. (You can buy kits of miniature beasts!)

Wow. Just Wow. I saw a TV show that was partly about this Miniatur Wunderland, and it is truly amazing.

A Stirling engine, but not made out of coffee cans, like the ones I often see on maker sites.


I wish all The DEB Log readers a happy and healthy day for Tuesday, October 21, 2014. Not only is it Mary's birthday, but it's a big day for dad as well! Take care, all.


Gershwin's Piano Lives! Plus: Cat Picture


Mesko stares down a chipmunk, who is not afraid of her in the least.

Gershwin Lives
I've run into mom and dad a few times in the last week, and the first time we were together, dad mentioned he had been in a piano bar and had requested Gershwin. The piano player then played a long session of Gershwin. (I don't remember where the bar was - I think he said it was in a run-down section of New York where they sell drugs.)

A few days later, Jennifer and I went to a concert of all Gershwin music at Hill Auditorium. The occasion kicked off the Gershwin Initiative at the University of Michigan.

The piano on stage, played with every song, was George's personal Steinway A3, which was recently restored. Speakers between the songs and dances told the story of the piano's restoration and history, and U of M students in the Performing Arts school sang, played, danced, and otherwise did the Gershwins proud.

Older Child Update
M has been occasionally attending meetings of Pioneer High's Innovative Vehicle Design (IVD) group. See the IVD website for more details.

He came home after the first meeting and said "I might get to learn how to weld!" Good! M has always loved building things, I hope his interest in this keeps going.


I took M to one of his Ultimate Frisbee games in Northville a few weeks ago. I snapped this clandestine photo while I hid behind the trees so he wouldn't have to acknowledge my presence. If you zoom in and focus your eyes, you can see the game in the distance.

K is playing soccer somewhere in this picture.
