I don't feel any different...

So we have a new president, and if this guy's so good, how come the stock market went down on Inauguration Day? But economics is only one thing, right? It's my understanding that I will no longer have to exercise to keep my lean physique as somehow the Democrats - controlling congress and the white house - will send the appropriate weight-control waves over the radio. Or something.

I just got done reading part of my dad's autobiography again - the part where he meets my mom. Reading it is just like being there, Back to the Future-style, except without the car. I suppose if I were smart, I'd start making notes for my own autobiography. Maybe if I publish enough nonsense on this blog, I'll just copy and paste that into Word and poof - instant autobiography.

Here's chapter one:

"I was born at a very young age. The son of sharecroppers, I started work at the age of 4 cooking meals for my employers in the big house. My earliest memory is waking to the sound of the rooster, and later eating him for lunch. Also we were so poor we couldn't afford rocks."

That's got bestseller written all over it.

I'm continuing working on organizing the Science Fair. Another parent and I are doing all the coordinating, including Volunteer Wrangling(tm), which at our school isn't too tough, usually. We have a lot of parents who are pretty active with the PTO. The Fair (capital-F Fair because I would never work on a small-f fair) is going to be March 19. It's amazing the amount of work that needs to be done. You do find out who the powerful people in the school are, though, and it's not always the principal. I think one of the most powerful people in the school is the vocal music teacher.

I'll let you know on March 20th how rewarding it all was, but don't check in early - I'm sleeping in.

This weekend M will have a small birthday party with 3 of his friends (and his brother!) We're going to Chuck E Cheese's but we're not paying the man in the mouse suit for a REAL party, we're just going to buy some pizza and play some games. The kids better get out of my way when I do the skee ball - the next kid who bumps my arm when I'm in my backswing is going to regret it...

M has a solo at the upcoming Martin Luther King musical they're doing at his school. Would have been nice for them to tell us more than a week in advance. But as I said earlier, you don't cross the vocal music teacher. She'll put your Science Fair plans on ice, brother.

Now, on to chapter two of my autobiography. Attending school in the coutryside of war-torn England...

1 comment:

Fred said...

I remember all of that stuff except the part where I met your mother. Seems almost like a dream.

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