Fall 2017: M's World


As you all know by now, M was the Drum Major for the marching band this year. He only had three home games to work with, and they took place within a two-week span of time, so it was here and gone in no time.

There are dozens of good pictures of just M marching (I took roughly 1000) but here are some of my favorites.

M does the traditional Drum Major back bend at the
pregame show for the September 15 game.

Leading the march to the stadium for the September 15 game.
They call this procession "Stadium Drive"

M stands in front of the band after his backbend.
M conducts the band during halftime of the September
15 game. The band is scrunched into an oval shape, 
known as the "Cake" formation. Picture by Thomas Nam.

The band under the lights. M is conducting but is hard to see.

The Marching Band on September 23, leading the Homecoming Parade.
It was so hot, the band didn't wear their uniforms.
M helps lead the band during rehearsal. The
person on the ladder behind him is the band director.

M goes through the routine to start the halftime show
at the September 28 game.

On his way out Homecoming evening. Instead of going
to the dance, he went out on the town with a friend.

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