Family Update


Visiting Ones Childhood Home
Mom, Dad, and the kids

We had a rare family reunion on Thursday in Jackson. Usually, one of us kids is home, or maybe we have our families with us. But to have the Original Bruey Five together in one place? Priceless!

Some Musical Stylings

K and his fellow violins play the ancient
piece Too Ning.

M and the Jazz Band jazz it up in their
final performance of the season.

A Few Pictures From The Great Outdoors

The bee isn't really in focus, but his shadow looks pretty cool.

Baby swans! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww...


Some Links
On the topic of photography, what happens when you x-ray cameras? This guy found out.

Tired of carving figures and shapes into small pieces of wood? Try a whole tree.

Pictures of auroras from NASA.


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