Slush, Slush Everywhere

Billy Joel tickles the ivories at The Palace of Auburn Hills Saturday night.


The entire street, neighborhood, city, and county are under three inches of slush today. It will get interesting when it all freezes in a few days. The roads are going to be icy, bumpy, and impassable, and I'm already regretting the decision to sell my hovercraft on eBay.

Headline: Billy Joel Still Able to Play Piano, Sing at Same Time

The four of us went to Brighton and grabbed Laurie, then zipped over to the Palace to see Billy Joel last weekend. J and I have seen him before. I'm not sure how many times - five or six or eleven or something. He can still pack the Palace and put on a good show. J got these great pictures.

Instead of a giant screen behind the stage, there were long strips of screens that showed various scenes from the stage, and/or pictures of cityscapes or bright colors to go along with the songs.

M and K weren't the youngest people at the show, but there were not many people their age. Here they are standing near the entrance to our section, with Piston Chauncy Billups on the billboard overhead.


A few weeks ago, M and K (and three of their friends) piled into the van and we headed to Vets Park for some sledding. I'm not crazy enough to go down the hill with all of its ramps and bumps. I bruise like a grape, as Daffy Duck would say.

M, right, and a couple of neighbor friends show off their sledding gear.

Birthday Extravaganza
We trekked in what was very pleasant weather to Jackson to visit mom and dad and celebrate all of our family's January and February birthdays. Mary, Jeff, and Daniel were there, and we were able to Skype with John, who was in Australia or New Zealand or the South Pole or somewhere like that.

Happy Birthday, Everyone!

Daniel, K, and M laugh it up with John on Skype.


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