
Basil on the right, tummaters on the left.


Summer is here (and pretty hot so far)
It's been a warmer than usual summer, although it's not uncommon to hit the 90-degree mark in Michigan a lot. After the warm winter we had, I was hoping we wouldn't then take the higher-than-average temperatures into summertime. But that's how it goes.

We've been busy here doing some fun things - swimming lessons, playing tennis, getting outside for some fresh (and sometimes heavy) air. The kids have a list of chores they're supposed to do each day, including watering flowers and veggies, keeping the gardens weed-free, and keeping the mess in their rooms below DEFCON 5 levels.

Either we're having work done on our kitchen, or we've been hit by a marauding band of cabinet thieves. I should probably ask J about this.

Fun Links
Restoring a Triumph 4-cylinder engine

Robot night lights. Yay, robots!

Be careful you're not too close to the sink when you use this toothbrush/water fountain. You'll get your face wet.

Everything you need in one place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where did the web entry from last night go?

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