
The Great Disappearing Blue Spruce

This tree recently disappeared

M was partly responsible for the disappearance of the tree

A lonely stump, which was removed later in the day. There wasn't much to the roots.

A tree tipped over last fall, as previously reported here, and it has been staked up ever since. We knew the time was coming when we would have to take it down, especially since we figured it had the same poor root structure as the other one that came down.

This morning, M and I finally cut it down and sliced and diced it. There are still some branches needing to be cut smaller, but the trunk and the roots are already taken care of.


Baseball Disappearances
We all had a first last night - we went to a U of M baseball game. The Wolverines were playing Nebraska, and we took over a chunk of the stands with our neighbors. The neighbors across the street one way are U of M fans, and some neighbors the other way are Nebraska fans. So we had a colorful group. In the fourth inning, a Nebraska player made a ball disappear over the left-field wall, but the Maize and Blue got the win, 6-4.

A little later, Justin Verlander's bid for a no-hitter disappeared with one out in the ninth. That's OK, though - he'll have plenty of opportunities to get his no-hitter.


Late birthday present?


To everyone in my family who is traveling, or soon to be, please travel safely!

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