What's-Their-Names: RIP


The small tank in our kitchen is home to a plastic castle, some fake seaweed, and two goldfish that we got from K's first grade teacher. 

Unfortunately, after a long life together, the fish went floaty two days apart.  I'd like to say I'm sad about it, but their companionship left much to be desired.  Actually, I'm surprised they lived as long as they did, if you call swimming tight circles day after day in a one-gallon tank "living".

Each member of the family gave them different names (Calvin and Hobbes, Spongebob and Patrick, Inky and Blinky, Mr. and Mrs. Bubbles, etc.) but I knew them best as The Fish We Got From Mr. Schwartz.

I'd post a picture of them but who hasn't seen about a million goldfish? 

RIP, little goldfish.  You didn't get eaten by a cat, so you beat the odds. 


I wish I could draw.  If I could, I'd spend all my time drawing pictures like these.  Wow.


I know, I know, I was hard on the fish.  Maybe I'm just hurting inside from the loss and am using humor as a defense mechanism.



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