This year for Halloween, K went as Luigi, a video game character who is the brother of the well-known Mario character. His friend, Max, dressed as Mario.
M went as a hobo. J and M spent a lot of time making the suit and other clothes look "lived in".
In Other News
A week ago, J and I picked up our new van, a Dodge Grand Caravan. Red. It's very nice, has seats that fold into the floor, and lots of other great features. We traded in our 9 year-old Ford Windstar. If it was sad to be parted from us, it didn't say anything. We'll miss it, but we're happy to move up to something new.
On Friday, J and I had a date night (Laurie babysat) and went to the Purple Rose Theater to see the show "Best of Friends". The play was written by Jeff Daniels, the actor, who lives in Chelsea when he's not filming movies. He is also the person behind the theater, and a number of his plays have been performed there. We've also seen plays written by Mitch Albom, of "Tuesdays with Morrie" fame.
After the play, we walked over to Common Grill and had a few appetizers followed by dessert.
This ship is not sinking.
From the great “Fake Science” site:
Solar power
Cow formations
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