The Refinance List


J and I asked a local bank about refinancing, and part of their application process requires us to gather a number of documents and other items for them to review.The last time we refinanced, in 2003, the list of things we were supposed to provide was much different from the list we received from the bank:

1. Most recent pay stubs, for one month. Must show YTD income.
2. 2008 and 2009 W2s.
3. 2008 and 2009 tax returns.
4. Alphabetical list of all Facebook friends, including email addresses and Mafia Wars scores.
5. Most recent two months bank statements, all pages.
6. Most recent quarterly statement for investment and retirement accounts, all pages.
7. Construction paper hand turkey with feathers and crayon smile
8. Summer and winter property tax information.
9. A 500-word essay describing where you were on 9/11, and how it affected your feelings about your mortgage company.
10. Home owner’s insurance information.
11. The colors and depths of the carpet in your home, if any.
12. Most recent monthly mortgage statement(s).
13. A song about your favorite brand of hot sauce following the 12-bar blues pattern.
14. Signed application and authorization.
15. Three peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, three apples, and strawberry/banana yogurt cups for our mortgage review team to eat while we process your application. Please include plastic spoons for the yogurt.

Banks sure have changed since the recession began.


J and M saw this live at the UM football game a few weeks ago. I get dizzy just watching the video.

Very, very neat contraptions.

Following my habit of posting links to neat lamps, here's another one.


Nothing new or different here for us - same as last time. I've started several books in the past month, and have only finished one or two. Nothing noteworthy, though, so I don't have any recommendations. I haven't been swept off my feet lately, literary-wise.


Halloween approacheth. What theme should I use for my pumpkin this year? What's that you say? The Michigan State Spartans theme, like the picture of the pumpkin I have here on my blog? A theme surrounding the Spartans? Alright then, but only because you insist. It'll have to compete with the UM pumpkins the kids claim they're going to create. We'll see.


I've always thought it would be fun to pick locks - how exciting to be able to let your neighbors in when they forget their keys, or break into the elementary school to change MEAP scores. If someone wants to spring for this set of lock-picking devices, I'd surely write a thank-you note.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the guitar music with the Brad Litwin link.

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