Links and More

Family Status
Not much going on here this weekend. The boys don't have soccer games this weekend, so we're going to wrap up some loose ends and also attend a reunion party for former Pall employees.

We went to the year's first PTO meeting on Wednesday. J is a co-treasurer and runs the Yahoo! mailing group for the school. I'm going to run the Science Fair this year as I did two years ago (it is held every two years.) We're trying to do our parts to help keep the trains running on time, so to speak.

Some Links I've Been Saving Up
Neat lamps made from found materials. The artist's website is here; check out the furniture, and his other lamps. He's very talented.

Hand-made cameras.

Fun clocks.

Fun car drawings.

Someday I'm going to make something like this battery USB drive. But probably not a battery - scooping out all the junk doesn't look like any fun.

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