
Cows as you've never seen them.

In non-cow news, I just finished reading a biography of Paul Dirac. He was a famous physicist from back in the heyday of quantum physics. He was colleagues with some of the guys you remember from your high school physics classes - Heisenberg, Schrodinger, and Pauli, as well as many others you probably haven't heard of. He didn't really work with Einstein, although it was Einsteins theory of relativity that first got him interested in physics. It's amazing how smart these guys were - Dirac and Heisenberg became famous (in science circles) in their early 20's, writing significant papers and theories when most people would still be struggling through Calculus II. He won a shared a Nobel prize for his work. It was not what you'd consider a typical summer reading book, but it was very interesting. I'm not sure what my next book will be, but it probably won't be a 440-page biography of a relatively obscure scientist.

Things are quiet here. M and I spent some time last week working on a secret project that he will unveil at the Ann Arbor District Library's LEGO contest. It involves LEDs. M had a great idea for this year's entry, and maybe it will be neat enough for the judges to give him an award for it. We picked out the items we needed for the project at Radio Shack, a store at which no one could possibly have answered any questions for me about LEDs. They do, however, sell a mean cell phone plan.

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