More Flat Things Turned Into a Circle


Circuit board in a tube?

Using the "tiny planet" idea, here's a part of a circuit board that has been spun around. I like to imagine the pointy ends of the components in this image could all shoot a laser at once and produce a Death Star-like ray of destruction. Or toast a marshmallow. 

Where the Geese are Going



A Lot of Links

I have been saving up a lot of links lately, here they are. 

A really neat weather map. Change the settings and see how much there is to show. 

Here's a meditative game. Stack the rocks on top of each other - click and drag the rocks with your mouse, then drop them into place. 

A "pie" that looks awfully familiar. Call 911 to give them a heads up, and dig in!

More Boats? Really?

For some reason, I keep blogging about boats. I like them, and at the same time, it's entirely possible I'll never own so much as a kayak. 

Yacht 1. Sweet!

Yacht 2 which is not a yacht that exists, but if it were manufactured, it would have zero emissions, which is great because you wouldn't pollute the air as you run over dolphins and whales. Boom! Biff! Comes with long-handled nets for collecting plumes of floating ocean plastic.

A sub, which we can all agree would be a lot more fun than floating on top of the water in luxury, although there is the downside of meeting your maker if you spring a leak or forget to close the hatch or a yacht runs over you.  

Get Yer Free Hug! 


Camera Walk: Rest In Peace, Dad


The morning after dad's service I went for a walk in a wooded area just outside town. I hadn't been on a camera walk in a long time. The last time was when I found the green heron strutting around on the bridge at a different park. 

It's not the greatest time for outdoor photography in Michigan - most of the fall colors are gone now, or they're attached to the leaves on the ground. Some green foliage is still around, and it might stay green all winter - those plants forget to change, or no one told them they were supposed to. 

There had been a light snow the night before my walk, and the water on the ground had a very thin layer of ice, as did the small ponds. My hands got cold but it felt good, and breathing the outdoor air after spending so much time indoors in the prior weeks was refreshing.