Argus Cameras and Macro Photography


Parts of two different Argus cameras, both made in Ann Arbor, MI, USA

This photo is my cluttered and humble entry in a local camera shop's macro photography contest. I tried a number of different shots and angles and lights and I submitted this one. My primary motivation for making a decision about what shot to enter was the contest's August 31st entry deadline. 

Read a little more about the Argus Camera company here. When they were still operating, they donated the planetarium inside Pioneer High School, which the Washtenaw Elementary Science Olympiad uses on tournament day for the "To Infinity and Beyond" astronomy event. 

Bird is the Word


Why did this bird cross the bridge?

At Lillie Park South in Ann Arbor, I took the new camera out for a walk. I met some runners on the paths, mosquitos nibbled on my elbow, and I met a bird that I could not identify. Soon after the original post here, bird lovers J and Amy both identified it as a green heron.

Based on the picture above, I'd bet this bird was in a marching band. Upright posture, ankle properly flexed, eyes forward. All it's missing is an instrument. 

A green heron getting some sun.

I'm out of here...

Twigs everywhere and the roof is leaking. This is why birds can't have nice things.

A Sandhill Crane. I don't know if it's a boy or girl, and I'm not about to look. 

There is a pair of cranes that lives in the farmland/wetlands near my Ann Arbor office. They wander around all day, and they're not afraid of people. I always give them plenty of room, though, because of those long, pointy beaks. Besides being good for catching fish and toasting marshmallows, they could also do some damage to my soft tissue. 



I didn't know geese could do this until I read this article about the picture shown above. 

Yes, the goose is flying upside down. 

Picture Frame Shot


A basic take on an old standard

Here is my so-so take on a classic Photoshop standard project. There are lots of fun variations on this, many including a large picture frame in an outdoor setting. I don't have a large picture frame around, so we'll go with the desktop version.