Goings On Going On

The pear tree is blossoming. Spring is here!

Welcome to Spring!
I think the warm(er) weather is finally here to stay. It was in the 70s for a few days, and even though it will go back down to the 60s for a while, it's probably safe to put the snow shovels away now.

There are about 5 weeks left until Science Olympiad, which is June 3 this year. We're working hard on so many aspects of the big day, including meeting with our "key" volunteers, making signs and posters, helping organize workshops for students, and taking care of all the little things that make a big event.

I like this little knife. It's small enough that it would stay out of your way.

Why learn to play the piano when you can just buy one of these? And yes, it handles the pedals, too.

Early Christmas list (it's never too early): a 14-150 mm camera lens. But don't buy me this lens; it's not made for my camera, it's too heavy to lift, and I'd rather you gave me the money so I could pay off my mortgage. It's 28" long, so you'd need a little wheeled cart to take it with you.




Duck! Swan! Grebe!

Recently, at Gallup Park in Ann Arbor.

A duck, obviously. 

Lunchtime for the swan

I believe this is an Eared Grebe.


College Visits
M and I have been driving around Michigan lately, visiting colleges and seeing what the college experience is all about. So far, we've visited Central, Western, Wayne State, and Michigan State. We've yet to have an official visit to U of M, but we live close so will be able to do that more easily when we want to.

M has been getting mail from all over the country, inviting him to consider colleges from the very large to the very small. He's flattered, but is probably going to stay in Michigan. Unless someone wants to give us a ton of money, then maybe we'll see...
