Whole Lotta Nothin'


There is not much going on these days - we used up all the exciting things in October. The kids are entrenched in school work, I continue to work for The Man, J continues to volunteer at the high school for various things, and I'm helping get things organized for Solo and Ensemble 2017, which is going to be at Pioneer again this year.

Planning and school registration for Science Olympiad is in full swing as well, and there's always lots to do there.

Here are a few links to keep you occupied until I can find something relevant to post.

Just sit back and relax and watch some expert guitar makers in action. Everything about building a guitar takes forever when you're doing it right.

Tesla makes cars, and they're also getting into the solar power business. Here's a solar power-generating roof. If we hadn't just had the shingles replaced a few years ago, I'd definitely be doing this.

These knives are really pretty. I can't afford to buy one, but I can stare at their web page all day for free.

Need to buy some mother of pearl? Look no further than the Duke of Pearl.
