Post 351: The Sequel to the 350th Post


SpongeBob celebrates more than seven years and 350 posts of mostly family stuff, a lot of links, and boatloads of related words, pictures, letters, and numbers taking up space on a Google server somewhere.

This Is My 351st Post
I know almost none of you are counting at home, but my last post was the 350th time I've posted something for public consumption on The DEB Log. We'll celebrate this momentous occasion by moving on to post #351. Keep reading.

Men In Black
J and I went to a costume party a few weeks ago dressed as agents from the movie "Men In Black". The Men In Black protect the universe from aliens, who (as far as the movie is concerned) live among us in relative anonymity. In the movie, the agents have devices called neuralizers that flash like a camera, causing nearby people to lose their memory of any alien activity they might have witnessed.

As part of our costumes, I made two neuralizers out of toilet paper holders, a light, a battery, and a switch. Here is the finished product, followed by some of the parts.

Fun Links
This guy is off the charts of skill and creativity. This video is a must-watch for anyone who works with wood.

This is a changing measuring spoon. And it's a snap to clean.

If assembly is required, check out Assembly Magazine.


"For the first time, introducing your 2017 Symphony Band Drum Major, M!"


M makes his first public appearance as the future Pioneer High School Marching Band Drum Major.
He and this year's drum major, Max, were co-leaders of the band last night, and M will take the lead next year.

First Impressions of M as Drum Major

M, left, and Max prepare to lead the marching band procession from the band room to the stadium.

M, right, leads the procession to the stadium.

M (left drum major) and the marching band at the pre-game show.

M is on the ladder, conducting the combined bands at halftime. The song was "The Sound of Music".

Video Evidence
You can see M in action below.

Here is a video of the pre-game band show. When the drum majors split up, M is the one on the left of the screen.

Here is the halftime show. M conducts the first song ("The Sound of Music").


K's High School Orchestra Debut


The Pioneer Concert Orchestra

K's High School Orchestra Debut
Grandma B visited Ann Arbor on Thursday to watch K and the Pioneer High School Concert Orchestra. She didn't know until she got there that K had been selected as Concertmaster of his orchestra.

He's worked hard to learn the violin, and has made a good impression on his teachers and fellow musicians. We're really proud of him!

K shares his A string with the group.

K and his fellow violinists make their way through a complicated section.

Mr. Glawe, the conductor, leads the group through their final piece.

Grandma and K after the concert.