Fun Links

There isn't much going on here, so I thought I'd post some links I've been saving.

Forget the other submarines on the market. This is definitely the one I want. But I'm going to have to move closer to a lake or an ocean first.

Pencil carvings: for those sculptors who want the extra challenge of using a microscope while they work.

Notebook art.

Apollo 11 "graffiti" from the astronauts themselves.

This is an interesting website. Use your mouse to draw a line on the screen, and the ball will bounce off it. Depending on the line, it will also play a musical note.

Musical Extravaganza

A Whole Lotta Music

M and K played their instruments for their recent Solo and Ensemble days, and did pretty well for themselves. This year, S&E was hosted by Pioneer High School, which means it was all hands on deck for parent and student volunteers. Between J, M, and me, we put in over 40 hours of volunteering over the two weekends, and that doesn't count the time we spent in preparation. I won't miss getting up at 4:45 am two Saturdays in a row.

K got Ones for his piano solo and violin solo.

M got Ones for his sax solo and sax/sax/clarinet trio.

M and his trio mates received flowers from the parents of one of the other players.


K competed in the local Mathcounts competition last week. Not only did he get to miss a day of school, but his school's team did well and won fourth place.

Ann Arbor Public Schools Orchestra Night

This is K at Hill Auditorium after his school's orchestra played as part of Orchestra Night. All the orchestras did an outstanding job.

It's hard to get a good picture at Hill Auditorium, especially when everyone on stage is wearing a white shirt to reflect the light. K is sitting in third chair position near the front of the stage.