My Gravest Apologies


It has come to my attention that some viewers of The DEB Log are offended by my recent link to this site, which allows the user to click on French instrumentalists. Some say, and this has been unconfirmed, that the players depicted are playing their jazz au natural, so to speak.

I'm not as sure as others are, but I guess you see what you want to see when you look at cartoon band members.

At any rate, I try to prevent The DEB Log postings from overlapping the vast world of internet ribaldry. My apologies to any readers who might have gotten the vapors or written their congressperson after finding themselves the victim of an inadvertent link to the ever-pervasive smut we've all sighed and accepted in the 21st century.

(And I'm not positive, but I think the tuba player is a Communist. Just a hunch.)


The Fun is Over! Everyone Back to Work!


The school mid-winter break ended today at about 4:00. I had Monday off for Presidents Day (let's call it Lincolnington Day), but Tuesday through Friday was work as usual. I even got some things done. J cleaned parts of the house within inches of their metaphorical lives, and the kids did something or other.

K's hamsters are having fun running on their little wheel and skittering aimlessly around their habitat. K tells me what he thinks the hamsters are thinking, and I tell him that he shouldn't anthropomorphize the hamsters because they really hate that. (It's a bad joke, I know, but I didn't make it up, so I can only take the blame for repeating it.)


I know I said before that the greatest watch ever has been invented, and there's no need to even try anymore. I have to eat my words after seeing this watch. I'll wash down my words with a milkshake.

I love this car. I would only touch it if I were wearing white cotton gloves. It's way too nice to play with.

Sharpen your saw

Go to this site and click on the instruments you want to hear. I especially enjoy the smoking percussionists.


Belated Happy Valentines Day

Introducing Gizmo T. Hamster

J and I celebrated Valentines Day Indian-style by going to Indian restaurant Raja Rani and ordering food whose names ended with the word "Korma". K had a party at school, because isn't that what they do in elementary school? And M's school had an ice skating party, which I don't think was related to Valentine's Day, but since it occurred in the same week, we'll just say it was.

A few weeks ago, the family unit went to the UM/MSU men's swim meet on campus. Their facility was very impressive. We sat near the end where the diving boards and platforms were, and watched the divers. UM trounced MSU, as they have done in swimming for roughly the past 900 years. UM has one of the best swimming programs in the nation.

We lost a cat and a fish in the last few months, and in an attempt to bring our pet totals back up, K acquired two hamsters named Widget and Gizmo. They are dwarf hamsters, so they're smaller than normal. So far it's been fun to watch them in the little exercise ball and in their cage, getting on and off the exercise wheel. I'm not sure why they're so obsessed with exercise, I don't think their doctors are taking their blood pressure and telling them to get out more. They are especially funny when they both run on the wheel at the same time. K has been keeping a close eye on them, but I do think the "How to Care for your Hamster" website K found might not be legitimate - it suggests giving them a lot more tequila than I think would be OK for an animal their size. And I wasn’t aware that Doritos were considered a comparable substitute for the more traditional Hamster Pellets. Things have sure changed since we had hamsters as kids.

This medium-sized university, er, I mean, extremely large house, is for sale. I sent them a lowball offer through their realtor, I hope I get lucky.


Pins and Chamfers

The pins are cut - here they are next to the tails

Here is one corner - the pins are a little looser than I wanted.

Getting ready to glue it up. I practiced putting it together a few times before adding the glue.

Glued and clamped. I used other pieces of wood to prevent the clamps from making marks on the box's sides.

While the glue was drying, I started the base of the box, which is 1/2" thick. I wanted to put a chamfer on the base so it would be more interesting than just a rectangle of wood. I drew lines 3/16" over and down from what will be the top edge. I used these lines to determine the slope and size of the chamfer.

Here is part of the base after removing the corner of the wood with a very sharp chisel. I practiced doing this on a smaller scrap piece of wood, and found that I didn't have a sharp enough chisel. When I cut the final piece, the one I want to use with the box, I actually stropped the chisel after I completed each edge. That probably wasn't necessary, but I didn't want to have the tear-out I had with my practice piece.

A few years back, I read that the ancient woodworkers of Japan used to take such pride in their work that they were known to hone their planes and chisels every three or four strokes. I'm not quite that nutty, but I would rather be sharp than dull.


Miscellaneous Facts and Link Section
I heard today that Apple is trading at about $490 per share. That makes Apple worth about $450 billion. More than Microsoft, Google, and my 401(k) combined.

Dad sent me a link to these cool little "crate" boxes. So many ideas for things to build, so little time.

Drink beer like Homer Simpson, who once raised a glass and said "To alcohol: the cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems."
